Follow Kate & her STAYcation style on Instagram @honestlykate
Where are you staycationing?
I'm currently staycationing on the north shore of Long Island at my childhood home. It's definitely a throwback to my high school days, and feels a little risqué because I now have my boyfriend here.
Have you done anything to create a "vacation" mood in your home?
When I left NYC, I brought the essentials: every face mask I own ha. I try to do a new one every night and read in bed. It's so hard for me to read when I'm not on vacation, because I am constantly distracted by work, catching up with friends, and binging every tv show as a way to wind down. Being out of the city has let me take advantage of all the books I've had on my list and finally start my book club, #KatesClub (flowers, candles, etc...)
What are you looking forward to doing when we can resume life as usual?
I can't wait to go get sushi with my friends! Honestly, having this time away from everything has really made me appreciate the little things I take for granted, like the Union Square farmers market, getting a pedicure, taking a dance class, playing with my friends kiddies.
How have you been using your extra downtime thus far?
So far I haven't had any extra down time, which sounds crazy I know! I have been working hard with my team at A3 Artists Agency and Amazon Live to change all my current projects to flow with the new times we are in. I have also set up a full live studio downstairs with a projector, mike, and cue cards.... stay tuned!
Any TV show or movie recommendations?
HAVE WATCHED SO MANY SHOWS AHHH I AM RUNNING OUT! I loved Hunters on Amazon Prime Video, Outsider on HBO, Band of Brothers on HBO, and I just started Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu.