How do you use your POOLSIDE bag?: Beach essentials and picnics!
What's in your bag (top 5 essential mom items): Wipes, water, diapers, stuffed monkey named "Momo," hand sani -- very glamorous!
What's a favorite memory with your POOLSIDE tote?: Getting one for Mother's Day last year -- my first with my little bee!
How are you celebrating Mother's Day 2021?: TBD! brunch?
Favorite spot for Mother's Day brunch?: Maman Greenpoint!
If you could customize a bag with ANYTHING after the past year, what would it be?: "First Time Out"

When did you become a mama? March 10, 2020
How do you use your bag? My Lolli bag is our designated picnic bag! We found a quiet spot along the bike path in Dumbo/BK Heights last Spring, and it's been our favorite place to picnic ever since. My bag is EVERYTHING and fits EVERYTHING. It also looks super chic and dainty, and makes me feel girl-mom-fabulous.
What's in your bag (top 5 essential mom items): 3 Onia linen beach blankets - the best blankets ever, Stoney Clover pouches filled with all the baby things (teethers, change of clothes, sippy cup, lunch tin, diapers, you name it), snacks (usually Serenity Kids puffs), a stasher bag of fruit, bubbles (Lolli is obsessed with bubbles now), sunscreen, and hand sanitizer (Earth Mama and Jao Brand).
What's a favorite memory with your POOLSIDE tote?: It's the bag that carried all the fun to a spot we made our own during a time we couldn't really do much else. It will always be known as our first family picnic bag.
How are you celebrating Mother's Day 2021? Playground and lunch at our spot in BK -- except my Lolli bag will have bagels, lox, and sticky buns in it this time!
Favorite spot for Mother's Day brunch?: Sadelle's, hands down.
If you could customize a bag with ANYTHING after the past year, what would it be? Make it relevant for mom: 'Honor' -- this year has taught me more than ever, to honor myself, my baby Lolli, my husband, and my family's needs and wants as a whole. Honoring my intuition, my new-mom instincts, and my truth has helped guide me and my small, sweet family tremendously.